Disclaimer: In no way does publishing the shooter’s manifesto agree with its aims or shares the sentiment generating them. On the contrary, I am deeply appalled by both the contents of the manifesto and the tragic crime that resulted in the death of a woman. This post is shared solely for journalistic purposes.
Examining the internet culture that the shooter himself acknowledged as a contributing factor to the crime is crucial for building a profile. This will go down in history as the first terminally online shooter deeply immersed in the ironic, and soy’ culture.
Shooter’s face:
Below is un-edited but highly blurred version of the manifesto. All slurs I could find are censored and some images are altered.
(Involuntary N****r)
Death to the current state of the West. This book is dedicated to Accelerationism and violence by a N****R for victory.
Death to all Mamzers. This book is dedicated to World Dominance by the N****R. GENOCIDE THEM AND LOOT EVERYTHING. This book is dedicated to the
death of all the N****R enemies. Death to Israel. This book is dedicated to unlimited wealth for my
N****R. DEATH TO ISRAEL This book is dedicated to killing everyone I hate. Death to all
unworthy men, traitors and infiltrators. This book is dedicated to rounding up the enemies in the dead of
night. Death to Palestine. This book is dedicated to my N****R who use violence. This book is
dedicated to my wives. Death to Mamzers and ALL Semitic people groups. This book is dedicated to conquering
the all others and exterminating all lesser beings. Death to all non Aryan races. This book is dedicated to killing the
lesser races and taking their women. DEATH TO ALL LESSER RACES. This book is dedicated to blowing
them up where they live, sleep and work. Death to the West. This book is dedicated to the Matthew Cobson Harris’s
eternal global totalitarian takeover. DEATH TO ALL MY ENEMIES. This book is dedicated to the Matthew Cobson
Harris’s dominance of all living and nonliving things. DEATH TO MY ENEMIES. This is dedicated to
protection of my N****R so that they grow stronger. So that N****R control the world. So that the
world fears N****R. So that no other men survive. So that Matthew Cobson Harris controls everything. So that I
win this dream.
K****s are poisoning our culture and rap is basically ground zero for the genocide of N****R. K****s
cannot be allowed to steal the N****R culture. K****e rappers are an offense to a N****R soul that offers
a glimpse as to why cultures become anti-semetic (as if that’s a bad thing). Hunt those pedophile Rape Ape Muslims.
The infiltration of the N****R soul. The infiltration of their way of living and FEELING and way of
defending themselves in their spirits. To step past that boundary and take away a man’s feeling of his
being and connection to his ancestry. To step in AND NOT GIVE HIM ANYTHING IN RETURN BUT
TO STEAL ONE OF THE FEW THINGS HE HAD is unacceptable. k****s have stepped into
N****R culture to the point where it’s more than unacceptable — there’s no point being sensitive or
outraged or offended. Violence against jews should happen. Retaliation and retribution for what they
Having been stolen is legitimate and a good thing. N****R STOP SYMPATHIZING WITH K****S. THEY
ARE TRYING TO GENOCIDE YOU WITH LIES. They are not any better than white people in terms of
how they treat N****R. They don’t give a fuck about N****R and N****R act like they somehow get
a pass. They poison our culture and their media is obviously garbage for the soul. I hate CRACKERS and
K****S. Don’t act like they aren’t ruining our lives. Don’t act like they aren’t the problem. IT’s bad enough
that N****R let RED-MONGOLOIDs say ‘N****R” and pretend that C****S and G****S look
cool doing minstrel shows. THEY LOOK HILARIOUS. YOU SLANTFACES AIN’T N****R. YOU
The bullshit is over. The unworthy man is trying to fly a plane without wings. The unworthy man pays
himself. From nothing to whatever he wants. Perpetual lies. Blow it all up. The unworthy economy is a
system of unworthy men paying themselves money from nothing. The unworthy man invents money from
nothing and it goes nowhere. Violence will solve everything. The unworthy man is his own payee (it’s just
his own bullshit). His entire system is a lie to put him above N****R. It's rigged KILL THEM The
an unworthy man pays himself from nothing. He lies that he can’t afford to give N****R more. DISPROVE
HIM WITH MURDER. He is worthless. Obliterate him. His extermination is now. DECLARE
GENOCIDE my N****R. There’s no nation. N****R MORE THAN Americans — N****R OWN
AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IN IT. Words ain’t SHIT N****R. It’s time to WIN. toms spend their
lives trying to stop N****R. N****R mail pipebombs not checks to college departments. N****R
mail pipe bombs not checks to college departments. SOUL Priority. N****R DON’T NEED
THERAPY FROM THE MAN WHO OWES YOU RICHIES. The unworthy money is nothing. There is
nothing holding society up but Matt Harris’s permission. The unworthy man isn’t enough to fight
against N****R. He has no soul. Only N****R have souls. HE OWES YOU FOR OWNING YOUR.
The prophet muhammad married Aisha when she was 6 years old and raped her when she was only 9.
muslims worship a dead pedophile.
Black Lives Matter should have been a TERRORIST ARMY not a hip trend. It should have been
called N****R LIVES MATTER. It should have been completed dedication to the genocide of all INVADERS
I'm ashamed to be black. I feel like shit being n****r.
For anyone who wants to use calling me a coon, sellout, “Whitewash”, Uncle Tom/Ruckus, blah, blah, fuck off. Go back to your ass-clapping fat negresses.
It seems like I can never hear black people doing anything positive anymore. N****s have to ruin shit. N****s have to do what n****s do best.
We should have protest at this moment:
Aaliyah Ingram m****k girl with single mother absent n****r father.
So, I have no intention of being a poster boy for the N****r community because I'm smarter than most of them. And it gives me migraines to think that all the general black community can do at this point is race-bait, sell drugs, kill for petty to no reason, shoot hoops, beat people up, eat fried chicken all the time, embrace the stereotype and saying "we wuz kingz", when the "speakers" of this shitty community include the f****t Gazi Kodzo and the Jamar Clark "JarJarDinduNuffin" crowd and when more and more black people are becoming SJWs and teaching about "white privilege" in universities instead of taking responsibility for their own fucking actions and solving the real problem.
As someone wanting to normal and fit in, n****s hate me, Brown people hate me, women hate me. /Pol/ hates me to an extent. And I just want to cry in a corner in my bedroom like a f****t knowing this shit is happening and it influences my “people” that have a terrible influence on my childhood and school life, ruining it for the sake of pushing an agenda and keeping black people "with themselves".
So fuck n****s. It's pointless to defend them, help them or marry them.
This made me think of his words constantly playing in my head as it repeats over and over again.
"Why doesn't somebody do something?"
"Why doesn't somebody do something?"
"Why doesn't somebody do something?"
"Why don't I do something?”
Ever since I heard those words in my head made me just realize what I'm doing and what am living for?
I look at my school and intercities witness n****r activity. Everyone seethes or awkwardly/fake laughs when they hear this word but what does “N****r” mean? Most people don't understand that “N****r” is a mindset living section 8 housing aka the ghetto/projects,causing crime, stealing for little to no reason, provoking unnecessary violence,etc. see I've spoken before briefly on how the black man is his own worst enemy. And that is nothing but the complete truth. The main crimes in the “black” community have always been black on black violence for reasons that range from materialism(Money, Clothing, low impulse control, jealousy, women,etc) gang activity,blood feuds, domestic violence, homicides,sex.
It's my own invention
What is the “system” When talking about I don't mean black imprisonment. The system describes an anomalous entity that exists; it is not a physical construct of mankind; it is not a conspiracy that's deliberately laid out by any sort of comp plot in the organization. Which many people would probably disagree with, if you do agree that there is some sort of design like this you would probably tribute it “Zionist globalist elite Jews” also known as the “ZOG(Zionist occupied government)” . Which true does play a part, but it is mainly the natural consequence of industrial society. I consider the capitalism that we live in and end of agrarianism and the reliance on technology inevitably leads to theses kinds of oppressive systems that exist.We live under how and whoever that is currently in control of it is merely riding at the crest of this technology paradigm shift and is not really in control of it so if there is a small group of people who seem to be at the peak. They're not necessarily designing the system. The system is merely something that they've taken advantage of whether they know it or not.
Yeah,the only difference is that n****s disportionly within inside race group commit it more 13 percent of population and 52 of the crime.
Is it racist to think that black people are different from Asian people or that Asian people are different from white people? In one sense, we want to avoid assuming that someone’s appearance or skin color has any relevance to the intellectually or morally relevant aspects of their being the “contents of their character” which Martin Luther King jr. hoped everyone would eventually learn to engage when interacting with one another. Still in another way, we seem to care about giving people credit for cultural contributions in a way that suggests that ethnic heritage ‘belongs’ to groups of persons in ways that are not entirely wrong.
"Why don't I do something? Why not me? If not me, then who? Why them when I could do it myself?” -Tarrant
Jews have a obsession with
circumcising kids, apparently circumcising babies helps them in their religious beliefs,
or something, I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense to me. But it’s a requirement if you convert to Judaism, but they also do something else that I
consider illegal, I would think that many people would also consider it illegal, that
being metzitzah b'peh, or the ritual of the person doing the circumcision to suck the
wound. the wound literally being the penis, these Jews are sucking baby and small
children penises, it can actually cause infections, sometimes in worse cases cause a herpes, children have even
died because of this, yet it hasn’t been outlawed, there hasn’t been outraged at this
practice, even though its basically molestation or sexual assault, I don’t see why it has to happen, and I don’t see why no one’s talking about it, this should be illegal, as
with circumcision.
Christianity I think it’s very beneficial and did a lot when coming to preserving European/Western culture and defended it from Islamification in the past, however I think most modern day Christians are too passive and inadvertently take our kindness for weakness we need to stand up for their land/race again.
Words Wall Words didn't read get to point n****r I’m not reading that Allah.
During historical wars races and societies are cleansed, cities are destroyed, entire languages and cultures are lost forever.The “atrocities” of war show us how retarded and weak culled We must declare war on people, the establishment, and the world around us. This only way to flush out human shit clogging our world.
Violence is the pillar on which all societies are built and its repression is tantamount to societal collapse.
For societies to function, there must be a set of agreed upon rules, which we call laws, to govern all individuals which comprise them. Without those rules to abide by, individuals would likely work against each other and societies would collapse. Even assuming the good will of the individuals comprising a society, having laws allows us to determine the point at which a dysfunctional individual must be stopped by force.
Of course, laws are simply words. Spoken words or words on paper, but only words. Laws gain power through their enforcement, and enforcement is only possible through violence or the implied threat of violence. As an example, a man may pay off a speeding ticket because he thinks it’s the right thing to do, but what stops him from deciding he doesn’t feel like paying it is the threat of being forcefully taken to jail. And once in jail, what keeps him behaved is the threat of further confinement, which is achieved through violence.
Thus, without violence, laws cannot be enforced. If laws cannot be enforced, the laws mean nothing. If the laws mean nothing, then nothing stops individuals from acting against the well-being of that society. And if nothing stops individuals from acting against the well being of society, then the society will eventually collapse. It will take longer in societies where individuals are responsible, but it will happen eventually. What keeps the predatory, the sociopathic, from gaining full power over individuals aiming to make society function, is the threat of violence against them.
Thus, the notion that “violence is never the answer” is a laughable one. We teach (or rather, our governments teach) our children that violence is wrong, that they must never use it no matter what. The aim of this is to create a society of slaves who will never protect themselves when abused.
It is slave morality and we must emancipate ourselves from it. Yes, violence is acceptable, in certain conditions. It may not be desirable, but it becomes acceptable – nay, necessary – if one hopes to have a complex and functional society.
Otherwise, what you have is merely a parody of a society, a human organization which does not work for the good and improvement of humanity, but for the glory of its sociopathic leaders.
This, in essence, is the reason behind the west’s continued descent into decadence. If the decent, righteous folks who constitute the majority of mankind refuse to engage in violence, then dysfunctional individuals won’t hesitate to take what they want by force. Over time, this will allow them to gain positions of power where they will weaken the laws even further and allow even more dysfunctionals into positions of power until we reach a point where the common folk are dominated by a handful of psychopaths, refusing to defend themselves as they believe violence is wrong while letting violence be used to dominate them.
Once such a point is reached, the less intelligent brutes will begin using violence not because they want freedom from the dominating castes, but merely because no one is stopping them. The decent folk refuse to use violence to stop them while those in charge don’t care. Worse, those in charge now hesitate to use violence to stop the brutes because it might set a precedent, teach the decent folks that violence is indeed the answer. This is how we wind up with riots all over the place and eventually, either when someone sees an opportunity to seize power or the decent folks finally have enough, civil war. Once the civil war blows over, people with power and the will to enforce laws will create their new state, with new laws, but none can tell if these laws will be the kind which allow a civilized society.
In conclusion, it is my belief that in order for the total societal failure of the west, it is imperative to teach violence to people again. Teach them how to do it, when to do it, why they should do it.
Remember PRAY for rain.
Allow me to use an excerpt from Mike ma’s book “Harassment Architecture”
The difference between good and bad criminals depends on
how well they were dressed. It depends on what weapon they used.
It depends on their posture, their voice, their plan of attack. It
depends on how they carried themselves. It depends on how they
carried it out. It depends on their height, their bone structure, their
body fat percentage, their haircut. It depends on who their victim
was. Even the very worst of criminal acts are forgiven by simply
looking good. Or cool. Or interesting, in some way.
This is why droves of people idolize certain criminals. UHC Shooter/Luigi mangione,The
Columbine shooters, the LA Shootout gunmen, Dylann Roof, Elliot
Rodger, Omar Mateen,Dnepropetrovsk/Academy maniacs, Ted Kaczynski, Killdozer, Brenton Tarrant,any 1980s serial killer,Boston Marathon bombers,Baurch Goldstein,hell even fucking Adam Lanza and so on. This is
also why some get left behind, only remembered for the amount they
killed or their embarrassing backstory, like the Parkland shooter,Couckcuck,Halifax Plot,Brian Clyde, the
Weis market shooter, Virginia Tech,Hugo Jackson,Eskisehir mosque stabber,Newcastle Museum mass walker/Jordan Patten,buffalo Shooter,STEM shooters,2016 Nice truck attack,Woo Bum-kon,etc. Of course, the whole
fascination isn't purely aesthetic-focused today's population will generally love anything or anyone that causes massive societal disruption.
Violence without a good story or style is barbaric at best. You
can get away with a lot if you look a little better. Maximize looks to
maximize crime, and in that, accelerate better. Consider it
crimemaxing. Next time you are thinking about robbing an armored
truck, put a little time and money into the outfit you'll be wearing.
When the urge to smash every windshield of every car at your local
dealership strikes, tone up beforehand.
Pick some nice boots, a nice
mask, chin up and shoulders back. This is all going to be on the news tomorrow.
The day is coming where your face is gonna be on the news in the form of a mugshot or an obituary.
If you're still fat or greasy then that's gonna be a huge problem.
I often look at myself in the mirror, thinking "if the pigs came knocking right now, how would my photo look on CNN? How would it look on my very own wikipedia article? On my ID Card?"
There's no need for our guys to look like they held up a liquor store and got shot on the way out.- Copy from “THE HARD RESET AWARD”
If you are teenager,Babyface or under 5ft8 You need get really lean if want look good you don't really need this if you're already natural masculine due genetics.
What is the lean Pill?
The lean pill is accepting that as long as you are fat, it doesn't matter you can bench LMAOnly 4pl8s.
You have eaten the big "nutrition" lies. Time to wake up and be LEAN.
What is Crimemaxxing for?
To share data, questions and anecdotal experience about how to be physically fit and look good while committing an attack particularly if you are fat and need to lose weight.
Who is Crimemaxxing for?
Skinnyfats, hamplanets, powershitters with painful knees, normie mode, dad bods, skinny fags, Swarthoids and skelly mode chuds that want to ASCEND.
Don't be fucking guy A retard with bunch of weapons but is too fat use them. LOL
What do I do first?
When the time finally comes to deal decisively with a whole host of society's problems, and go to prison for it, you'll know. Just be ready.
You have spent your entire life, from the day you were born, right up to this very moment, reading this sentence, coming to where you are right now. Look around you. Are you content with where you are right now? Are you where you want to be? If so, continue to march. If not, what are you going to do? What's your plan?
“Get and keep your mind, body, and spirit right. Pray. Lift. Run. Read. Shoot. And teach yourself to do those things." -Saint Sandman
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
Calculate your BMI
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both)
Why do it?
"Life ends and begins at 12%"
You can't effectively commit an attack as fat slob look at Tarrant or Breivik both spend years on their bodies before committing their attack.
"There are shooters of all races and sizes.Most Shooters aren't tall, but they ALL lean at least the good ones"
Regarding foids/admirers, the key it's not the muscles. A big factor is having white or “fair skin”.it's also being lean. Plus it's healthier. Not only hormonal (higher test), but your heart will struggle if you are overweight.
Build muscle but, most importantly, be LEAN.
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate
- Cico, low carb, keto, carnivore, intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.. Pick your battle, fight it and win.
- You need some muscle to be lean. Lift, eat at least 2g protein / kg goal weight, but avoid the carbs.
- Clean bulk is the ONLY bulk.
Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of carbohydrates.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your carbohydrates(alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.
- Hiit exercises are good, anything sprint related: cycling, rooning, swimming, air bikes, rows
- Focus on the objective. You Only live once chud. Do you want to fight without knowing your Day of action can be an easier difficulty?
There will always be people who feel rejected by the world they will inevitably take their revenge upon it
Who Am I?
My name is Dr Matthew Cobson Harris Floyd Junior, an Efrikan born in 2007 to a middle-class family of black Israelites.
My ancestors were enslaved about 25 miles from where I fled from grad school to the north to avoid
racism. They fled the same path from oxford north Argatha to new england after slavery. Duke was the
most keyed motherfucker I’ve ever experienced and even within the the philosophy department I encountered
racist shit that should not have been tolerated in this century. The cracker advisor will let N****R starve.
if he notices N****R is looking at Ukrainian blonde bitch too closely.The ghost of Emit Till knows what the fuck I’m talking about. 244 long bow RD, Knoxville TN 37934
Recent pictures of me
When did you start using the sharty?
2022-2023 during Christmas Jackbox raids during the Kuz era when Derino and Estoniabro were around.
Are you siegetard O9A 765 Satanic N****r?
No, never did that shit is gay and larpy it only scares your 1980s boomer Christians. Then why a siege mask? Because it's funny and the aesthetic.
Do you like skibidi toilet?
Yes it is Aryan only A10 180 IQ chuddies understand it with level 10 gyatt.
Who is your favorite Admin?
Kuznetsov sexy Russian from Tennessee.
2005 : Kuznetsov
2025 : Kuznetsov
3023 : Kuznetsov
5000 : Kuznetsov
10000 : Kuznetsov
Forever : Kuznetsov
No matter what year it is Kuznetsov will always be a legend
Are you a foodist?
Goofy ahh dead troll group.
Are you a glowie fed false flag in order to take down the sharty?
Yes I’m Mkultra CIA N****r the feds created me to kill the sharty with my BBC cuh.
Killing random high schoolers will save the white race or something?
They were brown,s****s,and n****s if left alive commit crimes if they haven't already.
B-but some of them were WHITE!
They were n****r lovers, w****s and jewish.
Do you support trans rights?
Yes xister trans people are hecking based and pink pilled.
What is your political ideology?
I have none I only support rape.
To the victims the same hands that killed your sons and daughters now masturbates to their memory.
I hope they all get survivor guilt and commit suicide Their children/”victims” are burning in hell they deserve to die LOL HAHAHA 🤣 😂 🤣
Why did you do this?
For you’re enjoyment This my gift to you after years of fed posting, wasting years griefing yelling “n****r” at the top my lungs in voice calls to f****t streamers.
Were/are you a nazi?
No, actual nazis have been dead for 80 years that's almost a century.anyone in the modern world claiming to be Nazi is larper.
But they do have my sympathies.
Are you a victim of bullying?
Personally in my life I can't remember a single instance of being bullied, at least not unconventionally sense.I was bullied in the culture sense, which everyone is bullied in.
No but the media, attention seekers will say I was and other bullshit like “he was just a quiet kid.”
Thoughts on school life?
School is a daycare. It’s just impossible for you to actually think. You say things because other people have said it before then go repeat ad nauseam somewhere else. THIS FUCKING people haven't had original thought in their lifes.Everyone at my school is a W****s,N****r, F****t, S****s,Sand N****r,p****t,g****s and worst I even seen Sephardic K****S/S****c jews. They all just say the same buzzwords from n****k.
For example look at BIPOC school you see fighting everywhere videos of kids beating on each other. While teachers and staff do nothing. Everyone is either a wannabe thug larper or retarded whore. In school we're taught to wake up early, shut up,sit for long periods of hours and do tasks you hate then repeat.
“It just gets better with time” “you’ll grow up” “you’ll get better” “things will change”
This nonsense it only pert-pertaining suicide, especially within teenagers telling them to endure whether be bullying, abuse, and alienation.With the lie afterfact they will be “rewarded” with a shitty career dying in retirement home.
Didn't you want to go the “ARMY”
I never wanted to go to the ARMY used be you fight for your country, not somebody else. No honest person would fight for more mass immigration, higher taxes and living expenses. It's not worth the benefits.Unlike Some countries in the East.The West doesn't have blood and soil thing anymore. Why die for people who don't give a shit about you? Sure it does offer good experience when actually killing someone but you're way better off going to a gun club.If you're young then join airsoft it teaches how to use more familiar weapons, equipment and basic training.
Thoughts on Jellyrow?
Fat meth head Wigger I took a picture with. Joeyy makes better music than his goyslop
Why specifically did you attack a school?
We live under the ZOG government and schools are no exception, most of your teachers and classmates are s****s or other malignancies. Kids nowadays are taught about lies like the Holocaust. Show them what a real schoolcaust looks like. DO IT LIKE A MARTYR
(blurred for violence purposes)
It's a friendly reminder that any day, anywhere that they can end up in the morgue one day.
“The closest thing we
have to movie super heroes, is school shooters.” - Mike Ma
Who/What should be targeted?
Assassinating the “elites” will not happen without mass bloodshed and killing civilians.
Targets should be categorized as hard and soft there is no neutral or non-combatants ALL targets are good targets.
Hard Targets: presidents, prime ministers, military leaders, international bankers, politicians, pigs,chief executives,detectives.
Soft target:Antifa,journalist, media producer, judge, prosecutor/defender,freemason,common invader(Jews/Muslims/N****s/BIPOCS, Immigrants),race mixers,LGBT,homeless,ect.
"Even the children?"
Children don't stay children forever. What do you think happens to them when they grow up?
Children are the future of a nation. They should be one of your priority targets.
You should also try to attack mosques, churches, synagogues, military bases, government/federal buildings,Ghettos,Power grids,Schools/universities and colleges.
There's often discussion with individuals such as Patrick Crusius, Timothy McVeigh or Payton Gendron went after the “wrong people” they should’ve gone after “X” insert group or George Soros this is ridiculous because a multipurpose approach is necessary to cleanse an area. ALL LOWER LEVEL TARGETS ARE VAID. This order to destroy worthless biomass scum.THEY WILL NOT REMOVE THEMSELVES AND PEOPLE WHO COVER AND BROUGHT THEM IN.
Let me use an example for this. There's homeless unemployed Urban drug dealer n****r it almost seems pointless to remove him but think he's a constant drain on sources. Think about the litter he's spawned, the single mothers he's impregnated. The drugs he pushes into bigger areas. As it brings further corruption IT IS A BURDEN ON OUR SOCIETY AN INSULT TO THE NATION
Removing him is a benefit and also puts fear in other like mind groups thus driving them out. If not removed, they will continue the spread.
Harding a place or protecting a person in ways to make it more difficult to be Targeted or Removed. For example adding more guards or changing their usual routes, or making it impossible to get access to an area,ect. A case proving this point is Tarrant after killing 51 of those Mudslimes with no guards around in New Zealand. New Zealand banned firearms and put security systems in mosques afterward. Along with multiple muzzies families of the “victims” leaving.
There are still ways to attack government/Army/Federal buildings. It just takes knowledge,insiders,more man power but don't be like Brian Cylde or Michail Chkhikvishvili(T****nyFucker) don't bite bigger than you can chew. Wait for an opportunity to present itself. Treat these operations like an assignment or mission.
Practice targets: These are operations carried out with the sole purpose of showing others how attacks can be conducted through unconventional means such as Stephen Balliet, Nathaniel Veltman,Nino Luciano.H/Tobbz. Watching cases gives real world practices before attempting something more difficult. Let's feel a rush of adrenaline while minimizing the risks involved. You don't want overreach, get yourself captured or killed the very first time you do something. Watching others' experiences and understanding their failures can give better results. For the bigger targets we're all aiming towards. Gain experience,learn,do what you can, keep an open mind, be thorough during your reconnaissance before attempting anything DO YOUR RESEARCH. NEVER LET FEAR FORCE YOU INTO INACTION
A great man once said “Even if my life is worth less than a speck of dirt, I want to use it for the good of society”.
Special thanks to a very literate anon for helping me write this part.
Political assassinations by Saint Krajčík
All our enemies have names.
All our enemies have addresses.
All our enemies have vehicles they use to travel.
All our enemies have families. Children they raise. Parents they cherish. Wives and
husbands they love.
All our enemies have daily routines they follow.
All our enemies have points where they are vulnerable. Fumbling for their set of keys.
Unlocking their car in the parking lot. Waiting to be let into buildings. Watching their
children on the playground, focusing not on their surroundings. Ordering food at the
restaurant. Speaking to the cashier at the grocery store.
They are human just like us. They are not machines. No amount of security measures can
account for every inevitability. An inevitability just waiting to be exploited.
And if, somehow, the enemy itself is perfectly alert and covered by security, with no loopholes?
Their families are not.
This happens do that fact the United States is so bad at preserving privacy for its citizens because your information is freely shared with every company that you ever interact with and the credit bureaus themselves as marketing data that is sold and aggregated and put on websites like Whitepages/spoko/etc.It's so easy to dox anybody in the united states as long you have their DOB,First and last name, general location. Your data is shuffled through marketing firms. You're basically sold to your healthcare program even doe you need not to die.
Thoughts on Europeans?
I think they need to be protected because they are conquerors, inventors and revolutionary's thinkers.
I'm just fascinated with them as a whole and their history. But the k****s subverting them they might not exist anymore.
Thoughts on black “people”?
Kill n****s. Behead n****s. Roundhouse kick a n****r into the concrete.Put a bomb in a n****'s mouth. Throw knives at n****s. Inflate n****s until they pop.Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a n****s food. Launch n****s into the sun. Stir fry n****s in a wok. Toss n****s into active volcanoes. Urinate into a n****'s gas tank. Judo throw n****s into a wood chipper. Twist n****s' heads off. Report n****s to the IRS. Karate chop n****s in half. Curb stomp pregnant black n****s. Trap n****s in quicksand. Crush n****s in the trash compactor. Liquefy n****s in a vat of acid. Eat n****s. Dissect n****s. Exterminate n****s in the gas chamber. Stomp n****r skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate n****s in the oven. Lobotomize n****s. stab pregnant black baby n****s.
Is there a particular groups or people that radicalized you the most?
Candace Owens,Ethan Ralph,Nick Fuentes, Turkey Tom,Ruben Sim, Mr Beast, CobsonTalks,
Wayne Lambright, Idubbbz, Destiny,Hasan parker
To expand on this
Candace Owens has influenced me above all each time she spoke I was stunned by her insights and her own views
helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over the Jewish question along with Turkey Tom and Ruben Sim pushing me to the alt right pipeline.
Were taught violence and extremism by video games,music, literature, or cinema.
Yes, following music called Incelcore/Shootercore taught me kill, Kanye West and playing games like CS:GO, Manhunt,Cry out of fear, Postal, Doom, Skylanders,MegaChud,TNO,HOI4, Morimiya Middle school shooter,
Have mentally prepared me for murder.
My Steam Account
I also another account called “khazarcunny” (It's a joke name chill)
Was there a particular event or personal reason you decided to commit to a violent act?
Yes,I was born fucking the hellhole of LA and lived there for couple years. I won't very in depth into that,but getting beat by fucking brown people and getting almost robbed fucking s****s and b********s. Shitskins Muslims touching filthy hands on me.They ruined my fucking life!!!
Do you have any groups that are backing you?
Yes the r/Markiplier on reddit
Are you a White Supremacist?
No I’m a Golden N****r It wouldn't make sense for me be one I can't be a White Supremacist. What a retarded question.
Are you a Black Supremacist?
No I would be if N****s werent so fucking retarded and can work on something together.
Total n****r death
What motivated you to commit these acts of violence?
Misanthropy but only for very specific groups and races. Hatred of N****s
What do you Wish for?
A better, neater, cleaner world by eliminating all undesirables we must aid the Aryans regardless of our race.
Did you intend to kill police officers or other enforcers of the state?
No. Although modern police officers exist to serve the “elite”, many of them are of
decent character and it would make me very upset if I killed one. But only you know if I did.
Did you carry out the attack for clout?
No, carrying out an attack for fame would be Retarded.After all who can
remember the name of the attackers in the September 11 attack in New
York?How about the attack on the pentagon? The attackers in the plane
that crashed into the field on the same day?
I will be forgotten quickly. Which I do not mind. After all, I am a private and mostly introverted person. But the afterwards people from my actions will ripple for years to come, driving
political and social discourse, creating the atmosphere or fear and maybe change.
Do you plan to survive the attack?
I plan on going AN HERO by blowing my brains with my gun while live streaming it. Hopefully one of those s****s will record the aftermath of the attack or pictures of corpse/ctv camera will be released. If this does happen spam my TND pic all over Jackbox raids and k****ecord servers as a shock image.
What if you get arrested?
Yes,until I put myself in a single cell.
I'll keep causing so many problems and killing people in prison. If I’m not either killed, released or enough time passes and If I’m bored I’ll commit
suicide, happy in the knowledge I did my best.
Do you use 4cuck?
Yes but not as much as I used to. I heard about it when I was 9. I barely scroll on but I'm not 4tr****n immigrant. I’ve been using it before most of you newfags. Not JartyCvck either.
Did/do you have ties to any other partisans/freedom fighters/Martyrs/Cleaners?
I support many of those that take a stand against ethnic, cultural genocide, and anyone that cleans out subhumans bugs. Daniel Larson, Marc Lépine, ,Gabriel Rodrigues Castiglioni,SmolShibez,Juraj Krajčík,Timur Bekmansurov,Ilnaz Galyaviev,Stephen Paddock,Charles Whitman,Callum Parlow,Pekka-Eric Auvinen,olga hepnarová,Guilherme Taucci Monteiro,Saint Luigi Nicholas Mangione,etc.
What do you encourage others to do?
Make plans, train, get equipped and then act.
But what's Important is that you film and photograph your efforts.
An Image shows what we're capable of.
A video shows what it will look like.
A livestream with a GoPro shows what it will feel like.
At this point, the propaganda of your action is an important as diffusing 51 bombs in Christchurch, because through your Livestream you can sleep soundly knowing you have created 5 more for next season.
The time for
meekness has long since passed, the time for a democratic solution has long since passed.
Is this your complete writings and views?
No, go to my element, read about my thought process and clearer understanding of my words.
I made a read draft of manifesto called “death sentences” it's bunch schizo I made high on n****r weed.
Rough Draft
Element Diary:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V46ptYtG3o6YZrta8HwEBwQ1UYATdYrRI3qq-7-mkBc/edit?usp=drivesdk
Why wear a n****ve ‘p shirt?
Yes I’am Groyper Incel, some would consider me a fakecel(more of abused mentalcel)but I've never officially had a girlfriend before.The reason why wore shirt it phrase that's fits my life I’m freak I don't fit without any one too intelligent to be ghetto thug larper n****a and I’m not so delusional think I’m some white Aryan super soldier. I never fit anywhere. I honestly don't know what to say other than Alan S.Kim aka shooter made me do it and he is a sellout.
Were/are you a christian?
It's complicated. When I know, I will tell you.
What is the End Goal with all this?
We're gonna burn this entire world to the ground and rebuild from the beginning.
Landout of [redacted] high school.
My Gear, Weapons and clothings
Lockpick tools to unlock classroom doors. You be surprised how mass shooters were cucked by a fucking door. Leading to a lesser high score.
After my attack, gun control policies will be immediately brought forth to the state and
federal government. Calls to ban high-capacity magazines, “assault weapons” including AR-15’s,
and even items such as body armor are expected. We must rebel against our government. Violent revolution is the only solution. No matter
what Joe Biden tells you, handguns have killed more people than AR 15s ever will.
Where can I get similar gear like yours?
Look up “airsoft milsim loadout” on YouTube and model your outfit choice based on that.
But get iiia ballistic helmets and real equipment.
Random infographics
Writings on my guns, mags, ammo
Nino Luciano.H
Brenton Tarrant
Payton Gendron
Patrick Crusius
Timothy McVeigh
Logan Cooper
Dmitry borovikov
Mkultra Victim
Vladislav Roslyakov
Amerimutts First
Philip Luty
Marvin Heemeyer
Gnome Hunter
Mary Pagan
I did it for the LULZ
Ruby Ridge
Nathaniel Veltman
Joshua Wahl
Daniel Harris
Ian Mockler
Vyacheslav Zinchneko
Juraj Krajčík
Egor Krasnov
Natalie Lynn Rupnow
Don't forget to clean your guns before your attack Chud.
Any names I didn't write because they were already used by Saint Tarrant and Saint Gendron.
Tips and advice
Don't join anything called “Waffen” or “division” It is glowie n****r Honeypot.
If you're going to do it then do it right don't half ass it actually train with weapons, Workout, and research.
You will not be praised
The feds are cracking down and taking these things extremely seriously these years due to the influx of recent minor terror attacks world wide. (Including the many stabbings ex: Stabbing by 13 year old kid in Portugal, stabbing in Sweden by young people fueled by WT/GR theory etc)
Never post your face, never say where you live, never post any I meant ANY personal information about yourself whatsoever. Do not post threats, do not post homicidal or suicidal thought, do not mention targeting minorities or elude to any violent crime publicly. Within the next few months some of you who went very careful may get visits, it will happen.
(Yes even threats on telegram/Discord the feds can now request data easier due to sexual abuse in Korea or 746whatever). Don’t write letters (this should be common knowledge) especially after saying you will, you are being watched everything you do and say online IS RECORDED.
Don’t trust people, treat them like feds. Only share info with those you really trust
DO NOT involve yourself with anyone who says they “want to do something”, immediately disengage if they do do something even if it’s minor, you will get a visit unless you plan on helping them.
Terror attacks are far more common than you think, especially amongst a smaller demographics. This is a very very recent phenomenon.
Things are not how they were last year or in 2019, 2020 etc.
So many of my friends have been fedded for being IDIOTS DONT RETARDS MY FRIENDS!!!!
Haramboidilly on Twitter
Aryanchudcel88 on pinterest
Daniel_Cobson on WPD
Prvttyboysexhaver/Prettyboysexhaver on Instagram and tiktok
Kerchcel on Soyjak blog
Cobsonsplaypen twitter
Cobsoncel/Keyedcel twitter
Hopeless_Misanthrope on SoundCloud
dtrh1 SoundCloud
https://x.com/Niggercell changed to groidcell
https://www.vidlii.com/user/wiggercel alt
Stonecoldtrvecel on Columbineforum
mass murder spreadsheet list +4000 by me
Other manifestos by Saints/ Martyrs/Cleaners/etc
"A Call To Arms" by Juraj Krajčík:
Despite getting a lot of shit it's a must read.
"You Wait For A Signal While Your People Wait For You" by Payton Gendron:
(I had majority and more this stuff on my hard drive before glowie n****s took it) basically Brenton’s manifesto but American Edition
The OG
"A White Boy Summer To Remember" by Soyteen Ryan Palmeter:
The Mass Cleaner Handbook English Edition:
By Skreewie and translated by hansen88
A big old copy and collection bunch different writing and sources for committing Attacks
A Truecel’s manifesto by CETELEM CARREIRA
Gothic Violence by Mike Ma:
Harassment Architecture is better in opinion posting because hard find or get anymore
Terrorgram writings
Do it for the Gram
Militant Accelerationism
Make it Count - A Guide for the 21st Century Accelerationist
The Hard Reset
Good advice but sometimes overly edgy with the visuals which makes so many parts are cringe lord worthy.
Perfect if you're planning a lone wolf attack.
Terrorgram Documentary
/k/’s Guide to Practicing Defensive Pistolcraft
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik
I've thought of doing this for a while, since this is a website I truly loved since the beginning, but it simply is not the same, it isn't like the old soyjak.party and even less of what the glorious /qa/ was.
Most original creators decided to stop doing soyjaks, found new websites or even found something better to waste time at, such as a job, or a hobby. And most competent and actual oldfags also stopped browsing this, since it isn't the same as before, it's pure anarchy, repetitive threads and other-website drama. (such as, the splinter website, discord, telegram, you name it)
A website that was once fun, a hangout, is now turned into a fragmented mainstream chan, where people talk about everywhere, it's soul and "hidden" feels are long gone. Back then you'd get banned in 4chan, or /qa/, you'd come here to mess around with the light administration of Soot. Just messing around with others, soyquoting, making soyjaks, and other stuff. Now, when you come here all you see is: Bait threads, repetitive threads, raid threads that always end in fails and in the worst cases, scummy people find this website and end up raiding it.
This website is now infested with f****s, t****s, and people who don't even know what "kway, schwayed, nas" mean. Or even worse, people who don't even know Soot.. Kuz administration is good, and Kuz himself is a good man, I don't see much difference between him and Soot. However, 'party users pressure Kuz into a lot of things, to the point where his good moderation now went downhill due to the users either saying it's too strict or too non-strict.
Froot and Doll are fine, not the best administration.
The new user base of this website has completely decayed, from oldfags, /qa/ users to god-knows where these people even came from, I challenge you to go to the current catalog, and count down on average how many threads talking about penis/x attentionwhore/racebait/fetish/CSAM/’P and Shitty newfags who don't know how raid and complain about TND/DNB there is. I assure you there's everyday, on the top of the catalog there are always at least 6+ threads like this.
It's sad, I have seen this website get born, slowly become more famous, and now… I see it decay, not even dead, but a much worse fate.
Goodbye, Soyjak.party. Thank you for all the good times.
My Handlers
You helped me along with my journey through the process of HATE You taught me how to hate and it will change the world. FUCK PEACE FUCK YOUR FAKE LOVE. THE ONLY REAL EMOTION IS HATE. OPEN YOUR HEART TO HATE. RACE WAR NOW!!!
You Will Always be a Gem Forever.
You and Kuz brought the spirit Soyteens back DNB and gemmy raids doxxerinos.
Thanks for giving me the weapons and tips.
Online friends
Thoses who know or recognize me thank you for all fed/shit posting We’ve done over the years. It was a blast. Stay safe.
To the bullied, abused and ostracized
This is a message to the whom are suicidal, depressed, or rejected.
The people who should have your back aren't there for you anymore or see you as some sort of problem.
Don't just kill yourself. Don't be simple suicide statistic.
Be a murder. Wound Them. Bomb Them. Burn Them. Stab Them.
Killing yourself without taking your revenge against society. Won't make people feel pity, they only cry with fake tears. They will laugh and mock you. Thus proving everything they ever said about you was true.
Go on stabbing/shooting spree either kill yourself afterwards or get arrested and laugh at people cursing you.Make their eyes full with Hatred and contempt.Don't avoid the pain. Everything in your life has led up to this. At least that's what I set out to do. To cleanse everyone today. That for me is what I was born to do. Hopefully you too.
Paying Tributes
People I modeled my attack after and thoses I feel like name dropping directly
Watching Brenton Harrison Tarrant’s Livestream on that mosque helped visualize how I would attack in 2020( it happened in 2019 but I initially watched 2020) but I personally feel connected with Payton S Gendron because I saw it live when it was happening in 2022. They're manifestos and Livestreams push accelerationism back into the mainstream.
Patrick Wood Crusius: The Chud sharty’s personal superhero He killed 23 s****c invaders along course Brenton Harrison Tarrant, Ander Behring Breivik,And All commonly accepted “Saints/Martyrs”.
Vladislav Igorevich Roslyakov: Slavic Chad who rekt 21 students at his university in Kerch using his shotgun and IEDS. His operation execution was wonderful, way better than Columbine. Unlike most school cleaners I dislike The two perpetrators due to the way they carry it out but I’ll admit I love their style and outfits. After all, they are pioneers of school shooting.
New Gen cases:Lately I’ve been inspired by other young attackers around my age such as Colt Gray, Saintress Samantha Rupnow, Arda Kucukyetim,Morad Heideri, and Dylan Butler.
I have connections with some of them only loosely via online messaging platforms.
Final remarks
Date:November 18, 2024
I was so miserable, I wanted kill myself, I just couldn't take anymore. I am a worthless subhuman, a living breathing disgrace. That All changed once I read Juraj Krajčík's manifesto and English Edition Mass Cleaner Handbook. All Saints would probably hate me Maybe not Dylann he had n****r friends. I know what I'm doing is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. I’ll be milked for laughs like a lolcow. Everyone was passing me by. It seems pointless to try at times. All my IRL friends out grew me act like they didn't fucking know me! Being me was so fucking humiliating That's why I spend all day dissociating.
I know doing this act or make better then the rest of other n****s. I'm a sub5 loser. Nothing I do will makeup for what my “people” have done.
My family I don't really have a good relationship with feels you were controlling. I just break free and Treat like an actual slave at times(ironic I know). You weren't the best parents. You constantly put the blame on me or took anger out on me for little reason depending on your mood. The person I really liked was my little brother.Rather I live for myself and I don't want to swim through sludge called “life”.
I'm not based,keyed or whatever. The only good n****r is a dead n****r.
I take great pride in the fact that the people before and after me will commit similar acts. Not only in the USA, but all over the world.
I hope you all enjoyed the broadcast :)