Jewish Involvement In Racial Hereditarianism | Race and IQ Debate
Documenting the amount of Jewish Hereditarians among most acclaimed race realists
There is a popular narrative on the Dissident Right that Jewish political involvement has severely undermined the academic Hereditarian consensus which would otherwise take place in the West if not for Jews. In support of this theory, people often bring up the existence of Boasian Anthropology and the subsequent popularization of pseudoscientific notions which either deny the existence of race, deny recent human evolution or the possibility of measuring group differences by Richard Lewontin and Stephen Jay Gould (half-Jewish) but not a ton of gentiles who for whatever reason are never counted by the DR.
And while it appears that Jews are more overrepresented on the Left side of this scientific debate (at least in the 1970s) just like in any other political debate, I have nonetheless decided to see what is the extent of Jewish overrepresentation on the Right of this important scientific “debate” (btw I put “debate” it in quotations because it is not a debate).
Originally I knew that the Race-Realist community contained a considerable Jewish present not only from noticing certain last names appearing on the covers of the scientific literature that I would consume, but also from directly observing activism “on the ground”. For instance before the American Renaissance started to invite open antisemitic guests about a third of the speakers were of Jewish descent. Similarly in a poll that I conducted sometime in early 2022 on Twitter, my own followers were 15-20% of Jewish descent.
^American Renaissance Speakers (made by Will Vivare)^
The other reason for high Jewish involvement in the Biorealist scene is of course the simple fact of the matter that people who are drawn to it, happen to be disproportionately of a higher intelligence, as race realism is a highly cognitively stimulating and politically controversial concept, which naturally lures curious intellectuals into its arms.
Previously, the only clear line of evidence documenting the extent of Jewish involvement with the Racial Hereditarian community came from the signatures in support of the Hereditarian “Mainstream Science on Intelligence” statement affirming a race realist consensus which puts the Jewish race-realist share of academics at 20% of the total.
However, now thankfully I managed to get ahold of a MUCH better data.
For the purposes of this research, I gathered the results of a survey by Emil Kirkegaard in which he asked his followers (n=115, after a thorough selection) to rate 49 most important books on Race-Realism, Hereditarianism and Biorealism by their significance. That is to say, these names aren’t cherrypicked by Emil Kirkegaard and Co., they are instead gathered by and voted through a democratic judgement by people who are familiar with the scientific literature (including 25 actual researchers).
And while Emil Kirkegaard goes into a thorough review of the results and methodology behind this survey (which you can read here), for the purposes of this research, this list will do just enough. Below I have created a graphic which documents the ratio of Jewish made books to Gentile made books on Race-Realism using Emil Kirkegaard’s data, with minor changes (removing race deniers from the list which for some weird reason were included in the list, and those whose ancestry is unclear), thus bringing the total amount of books to 46 (from 49).
Looking at the data, I have found that all or 100% of the top 5 books deemed most significant in the context of racial hereditarianism were authored by individuals with at least some Jewish ancestral background, while 3 of the 6 authors came from a full Jewish ancestry. The rest of the breakdown is attached in an info graphic below:
As you can see, most acclaimed books were written by authors of Jewish descent. This is consistent with the higher Jewish verbal tilt hypothesis. However the Jewish share of the top 46 books is still extremely overrepresented (37%) and is MUCH greater than the Jewish share of the American media.
I doubt that such a significant overrepresentation can be explained via “nepotism” as Emil Kirkagaard’s followers are not Jewish. However it is consistent with the general pattern of Jewish overrepresentation in highly verbally loaded niches and professions. People seem to be rating these books based on the merit of their authors, not based on the ethnic ancestry of the people that wrote them. A good confirmation of this theory comes from a book recommendation by the antisemitic /pol/ that was found to be about 1/3 made out of books written by authors with Jewish ancestry and I doubt that the author of the post was self-aware of that fact nor were any of his readers. In any event, this shall put to rest the notion that the Jewish community has collectively organized in order to undermine the emerging race realist consensus in academia and that Jews were overwhelmingly involved on the leftist isle of this debate.
Finally, while this research documents the Jewish involvement on the Right of this scientific and political “debate”, we still don’t have a clear reference for the Jewish involvement on the left. The closest thing to that we have so far is the UN’s “expert” statement on race made by 10 individuals, 3 of whom happened to be Jewish. Present pseudoscientific authors like Angela Saini, Adam Rutherford and Katheryn Paige (who for whatever reason were included in the list of hereditarians) don’t appear to be Jewish either. However, I’d prefer that someone were to gather data on the most important anti-hereditarian and race-denying books out there, preferably using Emil Kirkegaard’s methodology or gathered by the amount of ratings each book receives on Amazon, so I could compare the amount of Jews on both the left and the right of this debate.
Great post - I slept on this when it first appeared.
Doesn’t surprise me at all. The few Zionist I’ve talked to love this topic.